Employees Of The Month


Related Artists :
Adriana Lara, Julien Goniche, Simon Popper

Chaussée de Forest 90 Vorstesteenweg
1060 Brussels

16 December 6pm

Curated by Faïza El Mabrouk-Defrance & Eszter Popp

With office supply by Julien Goniche (FR), Adriana Lara (MX), Simon Popper (UK) 

dj set by Byblos جبييل (FR)

'Alors!' said my 80-something grandmother as she tossed her 4th Palinka* down her throat (according to the yellowish, sticky sticker on the bottle, it might have been apricot or plum).

The world began to swing – maybe also thanks to the vivid memory of my last drunken period -with the special support of palinka*-. I decided to take the first door to the left. There was no special reason to it, just simply tossing an imaginary Golden-silverish coin in my mind**, which suspiciously fell on the ground; even inside of a strange vision. I guess I cannot escape my luck in my own dreams.

In the next room – or lets call it more the next ‘etage’ of this strange Babelish tower, I had been circulating around for the few last months- I joined a group of German-sounding tall, blonde people with narrow hips; who would just not open their mouth while speaking and therefore I decided to move on, this time to the right – same logic as before, for explanation, look 3 lines above**-.

This time, I had to press the door with my two -not very strong - arms, as it seemed to be locked from the inside. I took a deep breath and let out a small scream -similar tone to the refrain of Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush, the version with the red dress- as I pushed in the entrance door and was literally hit by the grease floating in the air.

The room was filled with the most beautiful and perfectly rounded pieces of french fries I had ever seen and the ground was covered with pili-pili sauce up to my ankles.

As I started to sink into the whitish; dependable looking liquid, a curly haired girl -with freshly cut bangs- grabbed my arm and pulled me out, and with the same swing, threw me into the next room.

I was right away mesmerized by the old fashioned music machine in the middle of the room (my time to shine, I thought right away) and the smoke covering the tiny room behind it. Good, I said to myself in french -surprising even myself- and finished my fifth free beer. Afterwards, blank.

I woke with a start, looked up and happily noticed that my picture for the employee of the month still hanging in the office, above the bed I was in. Good, I thought and closed my eyes; and turned to my left side, hoping I will enter the same dream again.

Text by Eszter Popp


Employees Of The Month