Thursday, November the 24th / 19.00-20.00 / Call shop, Alsembergsteenweg 139 (Saint Gilles, Brussels)
Y€$, I see stars
Or Learning a language in the Heart of Europe, is an inquiry into the daily-visual landscape of Brussels and beyond.
Brussels straddles a unique diplomatic position as bilingual city as well as housing the institutions of the European Community, whose multi-lingual publicity, and emblematic colours of reflex blue and yellow have established an aesthetic frame for an emerging iconography within the visual periphery of European commerce.
'Y€$, I see stars or learning a language in the Heart of Europe'is a publication by Kenneth Andrew Mroczek.
Published by: KOMPLOT / Architecting. 2011
Curated by Agata Jastrzabek
With contribution text by Eva Bialek
Translated by Johan Vreys and Agata Jastrzabek
As part of the ‘Influence’ project by KOMPLOT, September 2011- February 2012
Supported by : De Vlaamse Overheid , Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles, Nadine
Theophile's Papers
The bridge mentioned in the text is situated at Rue du Charroi Forest, Belgique 1190
Printing Methods: Stencil print, Offset, letterpress. Photocopy
Printed in an Edition 200